RidpEF's diary
On April 25th 2010, the RIdPEF decides to start a big project : a video of about twenty minutes, in order to show the creative side of this community. A little like a machinima, a little like a technical demo, a little like Snoman or the MC-Addicts videos. In short, breaking WoW for a purely aesthetic purpose.
The RIdPEF has come back to Savoie in the beginning of August, for a new stay filled with chatting, games, (rain), and coffee ^_^ The image above by Hâthor shows the beautiful landscapes of the Bauges mountains.
The IRL is getting closer! :) Soon, the RIdPEF will go back to the savoie mountains for a week of chatting and pistacchios.
CVs evolutions have clearly been really slow for a few weeks. However, the other activites of the RIdPEF continue!
Here we are, the time and place for the next IRL are set : it will be from August 5th to 12th 2017, in the Savoir mountains :) If you want to come, you're invited to drop a message in the dedicated thread, to make organisation easier.
Several residents of the manor have decided a few weeks ago to knock on the private wings' doors. That's why Jbay has posted his application to access the west wing, and that Thaldrïn has chosen to take his chance at the west wing first, and then the east wing.
This month has brought a new story from the Cartographer, who introduces a mysterious character : Ðémy the shadow priestess, archivist of the forgotten texts. His message draws our attention to the second moon that can be seen in the Azeroth sky, and its possible origin.
The poll results about the Minecraft server have clearly shown that everyone wanted to start a new map. Following the suggestion of Djbapt to consider a modded server, te admin team has tested a 1.7.10 server. The conclusion has been very positive, so we've finally chosen such a server.
In order to flee from the winter's cold, the inhabitants of the manor gather... in space. Several ridpefians have lately traveled accross more than 20 000 light years in Elite:Dangerous, bringing more and more impressive landscapes. CMDR Meiod (Sid) has even filmed his discovery of a black hole, which he has come to see very close (video below the article).