Legion Essplorations and 2017 IRL
Here we are, the time and place for the next IRL are set : it will be from August 5th to 12th 2017, in the Savoir mountains :) If you want to come, you're invited to drop a message in the dedicated thread, to make organisation easier.
These last weeks, the RIdPED has welcomed some new members on the forum : Eshkandar and Flobadiman. Welcome to you! \o/ Below a nice essploration image by Flobadiman.
Exploration news on Wow is relatively dense, with many screens from Thaldrin (below), Reyav, Martisias and Greenbay.
Moreover, Éléïs has launched a new contest, "My mount is a wonder of nature", which consists in takng a screenshot of your mount (your favorite or another one), in an environment that fits it well.
Apart from Wow, the Ender dragon in Minecraft resists for the time being to the players' attempts to make him finally listen... Next round in our future news!