Eight wills, at your service
Among the shadows and the whispers
continents move, but are still walked over.
The years go by at the manor, and memories grow. The weight of memory and its heat are here. The simple freshness brought by the newcomers, revive present and past. The manor thinks by itself and for itself. It pushes residents to go out of well-known paths. That's how it was, and it still is. Essplorers know that climb a cliff is a goal. Hope of what's beyond is nevertheless always here.
From the shadows rise voices
eight wills unite, and light the candles again.
The manor thinks by itself and for itself. It pushes residents to go out of well-known paths. Eight of them unite, and, by and for this manor, choose another kind of cliff.
Dear friends, good evening!
We're living a special moment. Following a common reflexion about how things are and our community, a new dynamic was born. Today it's getting into place. The current shape of the forum has to evolve, and a group of tenderly crazy people is going to do that. I don't want to keep the suspense, so I'm going to announce the team's members, who will from now on, take care of the management and the animation of this place. In alphabetical order :
Eléis, feangren, Khamúl, Kyssah, Mjollnà, Trèsmollo, Xenorfall, Zhao
In a few days, these members will unite, and will be visible on the forum with a unique colour and grade. Then we will introduce each one of their roles. But in the meantime, I'll uncover some of the things that will be done by these people. The manor is planned to move (it's about leaving forumactif), and att the same time, its structure will be simplified. Rules and exams to access the private wings will be modified. Events will be organised, and a lot more.
The community will turn 10 soon, and we want to celelbrate that the best way possible.
In the meantime, coffee for everyone, and don't hesitate to ask questions on this topic, or on our good old IRC channel (#ridpef on quakenet).