Renovations continue in the manor! Kyssah has updated the essplorers listing. A link to the list has been added to the residents' page.

This month has also seen the arrival of several essplorers, Jbay and Thaldrïn, who share enthusiastically their adventures. We have also learnt, thanks to Khelli, aka Boulon and fellow essplorer of Jbay, that the Cartographer has mysteriously disappeared. Research is on its way, if you have any clue, you can tell Boulon.

Finally, many mysterious cubes have been discovered here and there. Eléïs has immediately suggested for everyone to show our favorite cubes in a contest. Get ready to vote, it's not too late! :)

Lunch at the worgens'
A nice walk of Thaldrïn (screenshot author) and Mjollnà at the worgens'.