
Finally, after a long time without news, I'm coming back to tell you about the latests news of the manor.

First of all, let me tell you that the situation is bad.

Very bad.

Some time ago, a few llamas had broken into the common hall, and had made a mess everywhere.

We, the brave inhabitants of the manor, had managed to make them go, but a question remained : WHO had let them in? It was not Xenorfall, the caretaker, since he was with us (and he had closed the gates). SO, it was someone from inside.

I've courageously investigaed, against all odds, and I've realised that the culprit was

(drums rolling)....

Aléquia !
Yes, Aléquia, the assistant of the manor's heir! It appears that Aléquia has opened a portal to another world, and has brought a few of them here.

I have announced this to the other residents, and we have decided to ask Aléquia her reasons. It turns out that Aléquia remains invisible, and we have had to awaken Saouline by force (who was drunk from last week) so that he could assist us.

A question arises as of now. Is Aléquia really a mage? What are heer intentions? (oh ok, that's two questions).

I have the feeling that this is only the beginning. We are going to see llamas again soon, I tell you.