Royal I.d.P. Essploring Fundation

The world has no limits, neither do our egos

RidpEF's diary

More videos!

Hello everyone,
Video makers have been very active these last months, enjoying the latest goblins discoveries in bidimensional triphased miniaturised cogwheels, to bring evidence of unexplored places on Azeroth and Pandaria.


We knew that for a long time, they had to come one day or another. We couldn't ignore it, but we didn't know how to get ready.

Some news!

*feangren wakes up, and decides to go out of the manor. It can't be bad to see the light of day. Well, actually it's no good abusing it either. Once the door opened, he notices a bunch of envelopes on the ground.*

Over the Mists

Once upon a time, there used to be a greaaaat manor who was in the middle of nowhere. Its inhabitants were... strange. They were very brave, always ready to go on an adventure. What they loved beyond anything else, was to travel, everywhere in Azeroth, and especially where no one has been before them. When new horizons were discovered, they were the first ones to be there to walk everywhere, to see if they could find fancy things.

Opening of the RIdPEF website!

Salutations to you! Whether you be a resident of the manor, a lonely essplorer, or any other Azeroth or another planet inhabitant. After a slight delay, due to an unexpected invasion of llamas in the manor, we are now proud to announce the official opening of the new Royal IdP essploring Fundation website!