I've found Chasid again, he was gone to the nearest village (so really far) and he's back with a mysterious cute little kitty. fean is locked in his desk, he's working a lot, last streak before Over the Mists is realeased! I could take a peek through the keyhole, thanks to a very modern lockpicking device, and then... he changed the lock. What wouldn't I do, to bring regular news to you?

KobolT_ is a new member! He comes to the living room, chats a little, but he hasn't dared yet to share his essplorations. It's true that hewas motivated to meet us at the event « Hangout at the Pandas' »! Which event? The one from last year... This brand new member, in his first year, has shown us how lazy he have become.

Let's move on! Xeno the Keeper has also come to see us! He says that he has too much work, no time to speak. Taking advtangae of hm being busy, I went in his office and... guess what! I've found a huge amount of postcards sent to the manor's residents! Xeno wasn't giving mail, and was all by himself enjoying the nice cards!

Lets' move on to less happy news, since we must... Martisias, is... Dead. Dead like a hero, for the Royal Idp Essploring Fundation, as he was trying to reach again the emerald dream, he... disappeared, somewhere... no one knows. We'll never forget you, Marti.

Gillijim Island